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Page history last edited by Jennifer Strickland 15 years, 7 months ago

WebQuests for Blended Learning

Dr. Jennifer Spink Strickland








1) Divide into groups of three (or groups at your tables).  In each group, there will be a recorder (the person who writes down information), a technical expert (the person who types in web addresses and navigates through the sites), and a communicator (the person who asks questions of the teacher and other groups and will also be responsible for presenting information to the whole class).


2.  After forming your groups and given roles to play, look at the following websites and answer the questions that follow.

Benefits of WebQuests

Creating WebQuests

Database of WebQuests

The Original WebQuest by Bernie Dodge

WebQuests by Zunal

Blended Learning and constructivsm

The Joy of Learning

Perspectives on Blended Learning



     1.  What are the essential attributes/characteristics of a WebQuest?

     2.  What are the benefits of using WebQuests?


3.  Now that you have an understanding of what WebQuests are, your next task is to examine some WebQuests.  Click on the following links and as you peruse through each sample WebQuest, make a note of the strengths and weaknesses of each WebQuest.


Compound Interest - Math, Business

Ethical Use of Technology - Faculty Development

Bermuda Triangle - Technology, Math

Global Village - Business

Alternative Energy

Digital Economy - Business/Economic Technology


4.  Now that you have a good understanding of WebQuests and have had the opportunity to examine sample Webquests, your final task is to come up with ways to integrate this in a blended course.   You don't have to create a WebQuest just brainstorm an activity/WebQuest that you can use in a course.  In order to do this, you will need to identify a course (one of yours) and consider a project/WebQuest you could use in this course.  

  • What course did you decide to use a WebQuest with?
  • What content did you decide to use a WebQuest for your students to engage in?
  • What activity will they jump into?
  • What activities could be online? What activities could be used in face to face?





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