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To get started, take a moment to look over the learnshop objectives. This learnshop includes some face-to-face work and homework.
For more information about the Blended by Design Learnshop, contact:
Jennifer Strickland at jennifer.strickland@mcmail.maricopa.edu or 480-461-7668 or
Schedule: http://www.emergingonlinelearningtechnology.org/schedule
Presentation .pptx or .ppt
Alternative to try: .ppt
Course Objectives
Day 1: Overview
Day 2: Redesign
Day 3: Support & Collaboration
Day 4: Ethics
Resources Videos
Sloan-C 2009
Blended by Design was created and is facilitated by Veronica Diaz, PhD and Jennifer Strickland, PhD throughout the Maricopa Community College District. To learn more about the Creative Commons license for this work, go to Creative Commons Attribution-Noncommercial-Share Alike 3.0 United States License.
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Blended Learning at Maricopa
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