

Page history last edited by Jennifer Strickland 14 years, 9 months ago

FPG Information


For the Spring 2010 semester, Blended by Design has been pre-approved for for 6-9 hours of faculty professional growth (FPG). MCCCD FPG policy states that for multi-session events on different days, such as Blended by Design, attendance must be documented at the beginning and end of each day.  Each faculty member requesting FPG must attend all sessions, complete all assigned work, sign in and out, complete the evaluations and assessments for each day, and submit the appropriate FPG application forms available at http://mcli.maricopa.edu/fpg/forms.


In addition, all assignments must be completed and available to submit to the FPG committee for their approval.  To qualify for 6 hours faculty must attend Day 1 & Day 2 and complete the above mentioned items. To qualify for 9 hours attendees must attend and complete all 3 sessions.  No other combination of attendance days can be accomodated.


To obtain FPG it is your responsibility to submit the application to the District FPG staff support within 90 days of the event. Application and procedures can be found here: http://mcli.maricopa.edu/fpg/non-academic-salary-advancement/internal-conferences.



Spring 2010

All of the following surveys must be completed by Friday March 19, 2010 to be eligible for FPG.


Evaluation for Day 1  


Evaluation for Day 2


Evaluation for Day 3


Final Assessment: Click here to take survey

(Must be completed no later than 5:00 PM Friday, March 19, 2010)



Course Objectives

Day 1: Overview & Redesign

Day 2: Community & Quality

Day 3: Blended Technologies





Creative Commons License

Blended by Design is facilitated by Jennifer Strickland, PhD throughout the Maricopa Community College District. To learn more about the Creative Commons license for this work, go to Creative Commons Attribution-Noncommercial-Share Alike 3.0 United States License

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